
Serving the Harp World Since 1817

Famous Amateur Harpists

They Didn’t Give Up The Day Job...

Rumour has it that the following luminaries were also keen harp players…

St Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury (c. 909-988)

Marie Antionette (1755-1793): French Queen

George Sand: Novelist

Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: English King and One-Time Queen

Mylene Klass: Girl Band Member – Pianist – Daytime TV Presenter

Thorin Oakenshield: Dwarf (The Hobbit, 1937)

Ada, Countess Lovelace: Daughter of Lord Byron, English Poet

Benjamin Frankin: US President

Mary, Queen of Scots: Scottish Queen

Willam Van de Wall: Harpist at NY Metropolitan Opera and developer of the first comprehensive institutional Music Therapy Programme at Allentown State Hospital, PA, in 1923.

Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais (1732-1799): French Playwright

King James I of Scotland

King James I of England

Tristan: Medieval Action Hero

Empress Josephine: Wife of Napoleon

Hildegard von Bingen: Benedictine Abbess, Mystic and Author